box hill city oval precinct
2018 - CURRENT
A full precinct masterplan to reimagine an existing community oval as a major VFL / VFLW and cricket match day venue, includes the development of a new North Pavilion as training, administration and spectator amenities.
Taking advantage of the natural slope and elevation of the site, the existing entry at the higher part of the site transforms into a public spectator concourse, complete with food, beverage, amenities and a social function room, with all player training and change room facilities cut into the slope in a dug out below the concourse, thereby separating the playing group on game day, and providing direct access to the oval.
Existing South Pavilion is reworked to accommodate away change rooms and the local Cricket Club.
New 200m2 Function / Community Room
New VFL / VFLW locker rooms and amenities
Umpire facilities
Away change facilities
Theatrette / Team Address
Massage / Treatment / Medical Areas
280m2 Gymnasium
VFL Club Administration
Cricket Club change facilities
Spectator terracing
Bar / Kiosk and Public Amenities